Martes, Enero 26, 2016

Ways to become stress- resistant

Ways to Become Stress-Resistant
  • Stop feeling guilty.

Everyone experiences guilt at one time or another during their life. Guilt is a feeling of responsibility for something bad or wrong.Guilt has various sources. For example, it may come from thinking that you have done something wrong, caused someone harm or did nothing when you should have acted. It can also come from a sense that you have succeeded when others have failed, as in the case of survivor's guilt.

  • Be decisive.
Decisiveness is an essential aspect of manliness. No soldier wants to be under the command of an officer who stands flat-footed in the midst of crisis. No woman desires a beau who cannot decide what he wants in a relationship. No boss appreciates an employee who cannot make decisions on the fly. And no person respects the man who orders a burger and then spends the rest of the night talking about how he should have gotten fajitas.

The man the ladies want, the corporation promotes, and the world respects is the decisive man. The decisive man is calm and cool under pressure; he’s a take charge kind of guy; he has purpose and direction; he is the man with the plan. 
  • Avoid being a perfectionist.
In theory, striving for perfection should foster success and happiness. In reality, it rarely does.
Perfectionism takes many forms: Needing to be perfect. Needing to become perfect. Needing to appear perfect. Perfect career, perfect relationship, perfect life.
For some, perfectionism arises from a mistaken belief that achievement is the best or only route to a good life, that happiness is a place and not a process. For others, it arises from a desire to win social approval by impressing others, avoiding criticism, not being seen making mistakes.

  • Set priorities for yourself.
How to Set Your Priorities Straight & Live a Life You Love
  1. Take a break. Think about your life. ...
  2. Think about the things you are doing every day. Write them down. ...
  3. Cut down on the urgent stuff. Or, else, clear out the clutter. ...
  4. Run a test week. ...
  5. Put in your life more of the important stuff.
  • Stop procrastinating.
Procrastination is an easy way that all of us get stuck. And yet, we may not even realize we’re doing it. When we unknowingly act like an Avoider, we create reasons in our heads that supply us with enough logic that we can delay the task at hand—sometimes indefinitely. Recognizing these avoidance tactics is half the battle in stopping them


  1. 1
    Remind yourself that there’s always more to be done than can be done. Then ask yourself if you’re getting the right things done.
  3. 2
    Make a smart to-do list by including only the items that you’re avoiding, not the ones you know you’ll do anyway. Then set deadlines.
  5. 3
    Break the task down to lessen the sense of being overwhelmed. Once you start to enjoy a small accomplishment or two, you’re more likely to finish.
  6. 4
    Eliminate temptation to do something else (if your Siren song is the computer, see "Tuning out digital distractions" below).
  8. 5
    Bargain with yourself. If you finish the business plan now, you can go to the movies later.
  10. 6
    Focus on the success you will achieve and the joy you will feel.
  11. 7
    Come up with a consequence that will deter you from avoiding the task. If you don’t exercise two times a week, you have to give up talking on the phone with your friends.
  13. 8
    Ask someone to help you complete the task.
  15. 9
    Make your intentions public. This will add pressure, but for some of us, avoiding embarrassment is the mightiest motivator.
  • Live an optimal llifestyle
It’s not unusual for people to think of health as simply the absence of disease, but nothing could be further from the truth. True health – Optimal Health – is so much more than this and CHIP is designed to help participants achieve the priceless benefits that come with optimal health.
  • Praise yourself

Credit to the owner 

..know i know how to become stress free so guys lets do this ! ;)


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